Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Monsoon Season

Before moving to Arizona, I never fully understood the excitement surrounding monsoon season.  Now that I've lived here and have experienced monsoon season firsthand, I now know why this is "the best time of the year"!  Rain almost every day, cloudy skies, gorgeous sunsets, and lightning shows like none other are just a few of the reasons why I now love monsoon season.

I love Arizona's stormy skies!

One evening the sun was shining behind the storm clouds, making the rain literally glow!

The sunsets are always gorgeous with the fading sunlight reflecting back on the clouds in the valley.

Another beautiful sunset we witnessed while out checking pivots one evening...

The only downside to monsoon season is the wildfires that are caused by lightning striking outside of the rain.  This was a small fire about 20 miles south west of our house.

Lots of rain = puddles everywhere
Puddles everywhere = muddy toddler 

My friend, Joy, captured this beautiful shot of a lightening strike!

 One evening, on the way home from Sierra Vista, we saw an amazing storm with some epic lightening.

Lightening shows at night are amazing!

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