Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

I know, I know... 
"Really, Kaitlyn, another sunset post?!  
Honestly guys, I can't resist.  
Whenever there is a beautiful sunset (which is pretty much every night), I just have to take a thousand a few pictures.  Some of those pictures do make it onto the blog, for your viewing enjoyment. 

The smell of rain was in the air as the sun started it's decent behind the mountains...

...pretty soon it looked like the sky was on fire!

Thanks for putting up with my sunset obsession! :)



Minnie said...

I miss those Arizona sunsets. There's been some pretty sunsets here but where I live, the trees keep you from enjoying it fully. Beautiful. ��

Hope Chambless said...

that's beautiful!!!!!! I LOVE sunsets too!! lol sounds like something I would do;)