Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Trip to Pennsylvania

This past week I flew back to Pennsylvania to spend some time with my family.  As always, the week went by way too fast!  

Wednesday was spent flying there.

Thursday was a day to spend at home.

 Friday there was yard saling in the morning and the PA Creations end of year picnic in the evening.  Each member memorized and recited as many Bible verses as they were old.  Joshua memorized the story of Gideon, Judges 7:1-25, and David memorized the passage in Ephesians about "The Armor of God."  Mommy found him this solider costume at a yard sale the week before so he wore it for his recitation.  After he was finished, he sat down beside me and when I told him he did a good job, he replied, "That was fun!  I want to do it again!" :D  All the girls and boys did a wonderful job reciting their verses!

It was so good to see Zoe on Friday night :)

Cousins <3

Saturday was yard saling and an evening bike ride.  We saw this ADORABLE miniature pony and her foal on our ride.  The foal was so tiny, probably no more than 18" tall!  I just wanted to take it home with me!! :)

Lillia was mowing the grass Saturday afternoon so I decided I should take a few passes, for old time sake :)

We went on a walk Saturday evening as well... it was a gorgeous spring day!

 Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day in Delaware at Grandmommy and Grandpoppy's house. 

Uncle Mike and Auntie came for the afternoon so a picture of "the cousins" was taken since we were all there.

Monday afternoon was spent at Longwood Gardens

The flowers were just so pretty, I took lots of pictures!

Check out that mowing job!

This Guzmania plant reminded me of candy corn :)

:: tulips ::

Monday evening Lillia, Joshua, Benjamin and I went on a bike ride and on our way home we stopped at the Riehl's house.  It was really nice to get to see them again!  Linda is a few months older than me so we were always really good friends.

Joy found this robin's nest in a bush by the playhouse.

Early Tuesday morning Mommy took me to the airport and I flew back to Arizona.

Juliana picked me up from the airport in Tucson and took me to her dad's work where I had parked my car.  Tim was just getting back from a flight so he asked if I wanted to go for a ride over Tucson.

We flew over this pecan orchard

Then we flew over their new house, it's the long rectangular one in the center with the fifth wheel in the driveway.

We also flew over Brother Billy Paul's house and Brother Branham's house.

This is Sabino Canyon

Pulpit rock is just to the left of where those three trails intersect.
Sorry for the blurry picture, I zoomed in on my phone.

As fun as it is to go back to Pennsylvania and see everyone, there's no place like home!


Hope Chambless said...

cool!!!!! sounds like a fun trip!;) lol!!!! that's so neat!!!

Anonymous said...

You sure packed a lot into your visit. Glad we were on the agenda. It was wonderful to be with you all. I don't think I want to go up in a small plane and then I see your pictures. What an awesome perspective. XO Grandmommy

Elisabeth@Treasuring the Moments said...

So many good photos that I don't know where to start. Enjoyed them all and reading about your trip.

I have to comment though about that "candy corn" plant. Interesting! And I really liked that photo of you and Zoe.

Glad you're keeping on with the blogging tradition. :)

Joanna said...

Enjoyed the pics! It was so good to see you again, Kaitlyn!!! :)