"But this time, when the sun rose, there was a-a dual sunrising; another, SON, rising. It was...not only s-u-n rising, it was the S-o-n had risen to bring Eternal Life to all God's promised Seed that by foreknowledge He had seen laying upon the earth."
"I'm sure this morning that even we, who believe it, cannot comprehend what a great thing that was. Because He raised from the dead, we also have already raised from the dead, for we are in Him."
It Is The Rising Of The Sun - Brother Branham
"Death has been conquered. The grave has been conquered. Sickness has been conquered. Superstition has been conquered. Malice has been conquered. Hatred has been conquered. Indifference has been conquered. Starchiness has been conquered. Self-styles has been conquered. Everything is conquered! Christ is the great Conqueror!
My mom and four of my siblings came out recently for a visit. It was so nice to see them again and spend some time with each other. One day we went over to Jaylon and Hannah's and picked pecans. They have quite a few pecan trees in their back yard and Hannah said we could come get as many as we wanted!
Cracking the pecans! They are delicious!
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Next we were off to see the two day old piglets at Micah and Jenny's house!
See the little piggy sleeping in the straw?
This one is defiantly the runt of the litter!! It is sooo tiny!
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They also have chicks right now!
Chicks are always fun to hold!!
Unless they decide to use the bathroom while they're in your hand :-/
(that's what mine did anyways)
Uriah giving Ben a chick to hold :)
Looks like you have quite the handful of chicks there Joy!
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...and here are some other pictures of while they were here.
Elainah and I were "hair twins" for a day :)
Benjamin, intently "reading" :)
We went to Sierra Vista one day and Benjamin wore this hat of Justin's the whole time! :)
Saying good bye to Justin the night before they left to go home.
It happened to be Elainah's 8th birthday on the day they left.
Happy Birthday Elainah!! She's my little "mini me" :D
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As always, the trip flew by way to fast but, I'm so glad they got to come for the time they did!
Our one year anniversary was this past week... I can't believe we have been married for that long! It seems like just yesterday that we became Mr. & Mrs.! Justin had to work on the day of our actual anniversary so we decided to go hiking in the Chiricahua's on Sunday afternoon.
We took the hammock along so we'd have a comfy place to sit while we ate our picnic lunch :)
\\ relaxin' //
We had a very enjoyable afternoon together :)
As we were driving home... (along Turkey Creek)
...we saw this flock of wild turkeys!
Of course I decided to see if I could get the turkey's to "talk" to me... my high pitched "gobble-gobble" must have sounded enough like a turkey because they answered me... the first time. But of course once I started videoing they decided I wasn't as convincing as they'd first thought! So Justin gave his version and of course they gobbled right back.
Last week was the biannual "Thunder and Lightening Over Arizona" airshow at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson. Justin and I took Joshua, Jared, and Jesse to Tucson for the day. Jaylon, Hannah, and Kyle brought Joylin and Joanna in their car too! We got to meet up with Juliana and her dad there as well, so we had a fun crowd to spend the day with!
There were lots of static displays. (Lots of people too!)
This C-5 plane was huge!
While the national anthem was being sung, the flag was flown down by a member of the Wings of Blue U.S. Air Force Skydiving team! It was a unique way of starting the air show! :)
These 4 planes, known as the "Desert Rats", performed some pretty cool aerobatics! They are flown by retired Air Force pilots.
They were all flying along in a stacked line...
...then they all started turn off to the left...
...and back into a line, this time they were spaced out enough to land!
It was pretty neat to watch!
There were lots of different demonstrations throughout the show. In this demonstration, a C-130 shows how aerial refueling of combat rescue helicopters is done.
This plane is known as "The Jelly Belly".
The pilot landed the plane on top of a truck as it was going 55 mph down the runway!
He did a little drive by and then took off from the top of the truck!
The highlight of the show for me was getting to watch the Thunderbirds perform!!
Here they are doing a maneuver called the Bomb Burst
The planes separated and made a heart in the sky, dedicating that maneuver to all the members of the Air Force and their families.
Pretty cool!!
As we were walking out to our car, (trying to beat the rush of people) we watched the tail end of the Thunderbirds show.
We were all starving so a stop at Panda Express was a must on the way home!!
Here's a little video I put together from the day. I videoed a lot!! :)
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I found this page on the "Harrier Jet" to be very interesting.
Justin and Joshua decided that since we see so many coyotes behind our house, they were going to try calling one in. So they got their gear and set up on the back porch.
What do you know, within 10 minutes they had called in a coyote.
Justin shot it only 60 yards away from our house!!
They were very happy with their hunt :)
Joshua took the coyote home, he wanted to skin it and save the hide.