Friday, August 19, 2016

Fun on the Farm!

Recently Justin's boss and his wife went on a cruise for their anniversary.  While they were gone, Justin and I watched their four children for a few days.  Justin took care of the farm and I took care of the house and children! :)  We had a lot of fun the four days we were there, the creek behind their house was flowing for a few days with all the rains we've been getting.  We all ended up wet and muddy at least twice or more times a day! 

We made a bonfire and had hotdogs and s'mores on that little island one night.

 The tumbleweeds get blown into the wash on windy days.  Most of them get washed down stream when the rain comes but these tumbleweeds seem determined to stay!

The kids went swimming before we ate so the bonfire was a nice place to warm up after the sun went down!

Who doesn't love a s'more!!

One evening after the creek stopped flowing, Justin took a four wheeler and two children and I took one with two children, and we drove about three miles down the creek bed.  Through deep puddles, tumbleweed piles, and rocky beds we went and had a blast!!  We drove home on the dirt road with this beautiful sunset behind us...

...and the full moon coming up over the mountains in front of us!  
A perfect evening to another fun day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Water in Arizona is VERY entertaining! The pictures of the creek and the sky were beautiful. You left a house full of children and went home to take care of ONLY 4. Lucky children to have you and Justin babysitting. Grandmommy